Women in Society today

Published: 29 May 2019

Ipsos reports “Globally, half (50%) say that young women will have a better life than women from their parents’ generation. Two-thirds of people globally (65%) say that achieving equality between men and women is important to them personally - although this has fallen five points since last year (70%).”

“In most countries childcare is no longer seen as the preserve of the woman; three-quarters globally (75%) disagree that a man who stays at home to look after his children is less of a man compared with just one in five (18%) agreeing. Three-quarters of people globally (75%) say they would be comfortable with having a female boss. Only 17% say they would feel uncomfortable. Men would be more uncomfortable with this than women (20% vs 14%).” Read more https://www.ipsos.com/en/iwd2019-women-society-today